Samuel Jones
Type of Apprenticeship: Level 3 Business Administration Apprenticeship
Start date: January 2019
End date: July 2020
1. Did you go straight into your Apprenticeship from school?
No, I finished my A-levels in 2018, started a business diploma but found the level of teaching and engagement very poor. I left the course after 3 months to work full time whilst I considered my options and searched for the right opportunity.
2. Why did you choose to do an Apprenticeship?
I never got along with school that well. I often found myself distracted and unable to engage with the style of teaching adopted in secondary education. In 2018 I received an unconditional offer to study music business at university. However the day before results day they cancelled my course with no reasonable alternative. At that point I decided that mainstream education was not for me.
However it wasn’t as bleak as it seems. Since I was 15 I’ve worked, whether it be a paper round, bar work, DJing or running my own club night. I’ve never struggled to apply myself in a hands on and experience lead way. This is what made me realise that apprenticeships where the way forward for me.
3. How did you find out about your Apprenticeship?
Simple research, the .GOV and University of Oxford apprenticeship information is very extensive. After looking at vacancies I selected two I liked, and dug in deeper. After finding out all I could it was simple, the Knowledge Exchange and Impact Team was where I wanted to be
4. What have you gained from your Apprenticeship – skills, experience etc.?
The experiences I have gained whilst at KEIT have been unquestionable in their impact. I have been involved in and organised high level events, networked with regional leaders and supported initiatives that have made incredible impact globally. My professionalism, networking and project management skills have been developed to a point I feel comfortable walking into any workspace, knowing the right questions to ask and tasks to complete in order to get the job done.
5. What has been your proudest moment so far from doing your Apprenticeship?
Either my work with the NXT organisation which will involve a two page feature in a global magazine or being invited to be a panellist for a Royal Society of Arts discussion on technology in community, giving me a platform to benefit communities and young people across the region.
6. What do you plan to do next? / What are you doing now?
The regional engagement work I do has to be some of the most fulfilling so I would love to continue to work with companies helping to develop Oxfordshire as a hub of innovation and knowledge. My apprenticeship has given me knew perspective on the importance of infrastructure and traditional skills so working to develop support programmes for both would be fantastic
7. How will your/has your Apprenticeship helped you to achieve this?
I have become a familiar face in a most of the regional impact groups and organisations, even leading to expressions of interest in me joining a few different teams.
8. What advice would you give a young person who might be thinking about an Apprenticeship?
Experience is everything! Don’t listen to people who say you’re missing out on opportunities and prospects by not going to University. By completing an apprenticeship you will develop skills, connections and experiences you wouldn’t be able to at University.
9. What advice would you give an employer who is considering employing an Apprentice?
Be ready, apprentices tend to be hardworking, dedicated individuals. If you give the right person the right opportunities they will fly, giving your team the chance to not only see a boost in achievements, but also hopefully help someone propel their career.
Contact us
Apprenticeships Team
T: +44 1865 270536